The Second Semester in 2013-2014 Academic Year
Work Objectives and Arrangements Concerning English
一.工作目标Work Objectives
(一)总体工作目标General Work Obejectives
Improve students’Engslih learning ability and English proficiency comprehensively and rapidly through the learning of Northstar and TOEFL courses. Make sure students in 10A reach the average score of 61 and students in 10B reach the average score of 50 when they take their first TOEFL test. By the beginning of September this year, students students in 11A shall take TOEFL and reach the average score of 81 and 11B reach an average score of 61.
(二)具体工作目标Specific Work Objectives
1.高一A班在本学期完成Northstar中级和中高级教材,以听说读写为补充教材;高一B班在本学期完成Northstar中级教材,以听说读写为教材;高二A完成Northstar 高级教材;高二B完成Northstar中级和中高级教材。
Teachers in 10A shall complete Northstar Intermediate and High Intermediate and use TOEFL as a supplement; Teachers in 10A shall complete Northstar Intermediate use TOEFL as a supplement;Teachers in 11A shall complete Northstar Advanced;Teachers in 11B shall complete Northstar Intermediate and High Intermediate.
English Vocabulary
It is required that students master vocabulary of 5000-6000 words (including phrases and idioms) in this term, covering 70% -75% of TOEFL vocabulary; cultivate good habit of memorizing words and effective learning method. All the English teachers must study together on how to instruct stduents to memorize vocabulary and how to examine students’ vocaulary learning.
English Grammer
It is required that students master 90% of TOEFL grammar.
In this term, the most important task is to improve students English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability substantially. All Chinese and foreign teachers should pay attention to it and study carefully on how to organize and implement related learning and activities. After one term study and practice, stduents are supposed to be able to have daily English conversations fluently, meet the requirements of being able to attend foreign classes, comprehensively master all the four skills of TOEFL, and get used to practising English in daliy life and in study.
(三)工作措施Work Measures
1. 中方英语教师和外籍教师要加强联系、紧密合作、精诚团结。要在个人备课的基础上,组织好集体备课。集体备课要以研究问题为核心,以解决教学中的问题为目的。做到定时间、定内容、定中心发言人,原则上每周要进行至少两次集体备课,并有规范记载。集体备课主要研究和讨论学生的学习情况(学情)教学方法、练习和检测方式、如何取得好的效果 教学进度和备课中疑难问题。外方学习总监要参加和检查集体备课。
Chinese English teachers and foreign teachers should strengthen contact and cooperate closely with solidarity. Besides working on indivual teaching plan, teachers should organize collective preparation for teaching plan. Collective preparation of teaching plan should be focused on problem researching and aims at sloving problems.For each collective preparation of teaching plan, the time, the content and the main speaker should be arraged in advance and in principle it should be held at least twice a week with formal record. Collective preparation of teaching plan mainly studies and discusses:
① students learning situation
② teaching method, exercises, test method, how to achieve good teaching effect
③ teaching progress and questions in preparation of teaching plan
2. 要充分利用每天清晨的“英文经典诵读”和晚饭后的“英语听说实训”时间,有效组织、科学实施,做到有布置安排,有检查落实,每班有专人下班指导和督促。
“English Classic Reading ” in the morning and “English Listening and Speaking Training and Pracitce ” after supper have to be organized orderly and implemented scientifically. Specific teacher should be arranged to instruct and supervise in each classroom.
3. 包班教师每3-4周针对自己所授内容对学生进行TOEFL模拟测试。
Teachers responsible for each class shall give students Model TOEFL test according what they have taught every three or four weeks.
4. 英语老师之间应该相互听课,相互启示,共同提高教学能力。
All English teachers shall observe each other’s classes and have a discussion on how to improve our teaching.
5. 全体英语老师要加强学习、注重研究,要经常性研究学生状况,要研究TOEFL考试的题类、考试技巧和规则,要研究学生的需求和他们的短板,加强针对性、提高有效性。全体老师(尤其是外籍教师)要多与学生交流,与学生打成一片,让学生浸润在英语的环境中。
All English teachers shoud reinforce learning and pay attention to researching, such as researching on students learning situation, TOEFL testing style, testing skills and examination strategies. Teachers must research on stduents’ needs and "short slab" to enhance pertinence and effectiveness. Also, all teachers(especially foreign teachers) should contact more with stdudents and nurture them in English speaking environment.
Activities concerning English will be held to attract students’ interest in learning English.
(四)具体活动安排 Specific Arrangements for Activities
3月:单词比赛 March: Vocabulary Competition
4月:英文歌曲比赛 April: English Song Competition
5月:英语写作比赛 May: English Writing Competition
6月:英语演讲比赛 June:English Speaking Contest