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美国威斯康星大学普拉特维尔分校校长Dennis Shields的讲话
发布于:2014-07-25 浏览次数:5881

美国威斯康星大学普拉特维尔分校校长Dennis Shields













      普拉特维尔分校是整个威斯康星大学系统里面发展最迅速的一所高校。作为一所矿业学校成立于1866年的普拉特维尔分校现今已有商业、工业、生命科学院和农业学院、工程, 数学和理学学院及文理与教育学院 三大学院,42个专业及71个系。



















      谢谢 ! 

Wuhan Academy Partnership Announcement

 ----- Wuhan Meiga Academy Adress


Honored Guests, Faculty and students,

I am honored to be here in Wuhan today and to have the opportunity to address you here at the Wuhan Foreign Language School Meiga Academy to announce a new partnership between the University of Wisconsin Platteville and the Meiga Academy.


The Meiga Academy “enjoys an excellent reputation for its beautiful campus, extraordinary resources and committed and experienced faculty.”  


At Platteville, we are pioneers. Pioneer is a person who takes the lead, who paves the way for others. Pioneers are innovators, trailblazers and pathfinders.  


We know that graduates of Meiga are well prepared, of high moral character and have well rounded backgrounds. Meiga graduates are extremely able and have bright futures.


Graduates from Meiga Academy are the kind of students we wish to have at our institution, to join the pioneer family at the University of Wisconsin Platteville.


Today I am here to announce that the University has signed an agreement with the Meiga Academy that creates the opportunity for graduates from Meiga to attend the UW-Platteville to earn their bachelors degree.


Under this partnership, both the Meiga Academy and UW-Platteville seek to make this cooperation successful and fruitful, including encouraging communication and visits by representatives from both parties.


This means that students from Meiga Academy can attend UW-Platteville and faculty and administrators from both schools will be encouraged to visit one another.


When you graduate, we invite you to come and study at the UW-Platteville. This agreement includes scholarship support for students who make the decision to come to UW-Platteville.


UW-Platteville is the fastest growing university in the University of Wisconsin system. Founded in 1866 as a mining school UW-Platteville now offers 42 majors and 71minors in three colleges, Business, Industry, Life Science Agriculture (BLSA), Engineering, Mathematics and Science (EMS) and Liberal Arts and Education (LAE).


The university is located in the city of Platteville, a town of 12,000 in southwestern Wisconsin not far from the Mississippi river. It gets cold in Wisconsin, but the summers are not as hot as Wuhan’s!


UW-Platteville has a long history of strong connections to Wuhan. For 14years, the University has collaborated with South Central University For Nationalities (SCUN).


Together the two schools offer a program where students from SCUN can attend the University of Wisconsin Platteville to earn a Masters of Science in English Education.


The program trains English language educators to be successful teachers of English in Wuhan and around the world. Two of our graduates teach here at the Wuhan Meiga Academy.


We also have a joint visiting scholars program which sends scholars from Wuhan to teach at the Confucius Institute at Platteville. The Institute is run as a collaboration between SCUN and UW-Platteville.

Today’s agreement with the Wuhan Meiga Academy will allow graduates like you to attend the UW-Platteville to earn your bachelors degree.


Now that this agreement has been finalized, qualified students who are proficient in English may apply directly to the UW of Wisconsin Platteville for Admission to the college.


Qualified students who wish to develop their English skills before attending college in the United States may apply for conditional admission if they enroll in our new English Language program.


The program teaches foreign language speakers to use English effectively in the College environment.


Once students successfully complete the English language program they are then accepted to the UW-Platteville undergraduate program to earn a bachelors degree.


There is financial assistance for those interested in participating in this program.


Graduates of the Wuhan Meiga Academy graduates are eligible for a $2500 International Student Scholarship for their first semester and $2500 Conger Scholarship for their first year of undergraduate degree coursework.


Both of these scholarships are renewable for up to four years to provide support during your studying at the UW-Platteville.


Because of the joint programs in operation with SCUN for the last 14 years, more than 200 UW-Platteville alumni, graduates of the MSEE program who are now pioneers, live in Wuhan.


I want to encourage you to join that group of UW-Platteville alumnae by taking advantage of this important agreement between the Meiga Academy and the UW-Platteville.


Thank you to the Meiga Academy for entering this partnership with us and thank you for having me here today to announce this new and exciting program.


We look forward to a strong and prosperous partnership with the Meiga Academy.


And remember, Everyday is a great day to be a Pioneer.

Thank you.


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